David Coulthurst from Edenfield Farm, Preston was milking 400 cows three times a day through a 14/28 Fullwood parlour. This had become an arduous task taking approximately 5 hours each milking leaving little or no time for other tasks. David started looking into various options to milk his cows more efficiently. He first looked at robots but this was eventually ruled out due to the building layout. A Rotary parlour was the obvious solution and he started looking around several manufacturers before eventually opting for a Delaval 50 point Rotary parlour. The installation was completed in May 2012 and he now comfortably milks 460 cows three times a day with each milking only taking 2 hours. EQUIPMENT Delaval PR2100 50 Point Rotary with Concrete Deck Auto ID + 3 Way Auto Shedding Gate Full Alpro Windows Herd Management MM27 ICAR Approved Milk Meters with Blood & Conductivity Dual Feed in Parlour Twin Direct Drive Variable Speed Vacuum Pumps HRS Heavy Duty Pneumatic Backing Gate AFB3 Auto Footbath R18 Rubber Coverage on Entry and Exit C200 Automatic Plant Washer 20,000ltr DX Bulk Tank High Capacity Ice Builder Twin Plate Cooler Pack Heat Recovery System